Dolphin® 9500 Series User’s Guide 7 - 13Required Network Configuration Information WorksheetsBecause AEGIS Client enables your terminal to access a network that is protected by the IEEE 802.1X protocol, you mustconfigure EAP data communication to match your network server parameters. If the EAP configuration doesn’t match yournetwork configuration, you can’t access the network.Installing and configuring the Client usually takes less than 15 minutes, provided you have the required equipment, software, andconfiguration information. You need clear information from the network administrator about how the network’s authenticationworks.The worksheets on the following pages provide space to record the required Client configuration information to set up the Clientto match specific Extensible Authentication Protocols (EAP). The forms are designed so that hard copies can be filled out, copied,and distributed.The client software supports the following EAP authentication methods:• MD5• LEAP• TLS/SmartCard• TTLS• PEAPThere is a worksheet for each method. Complete the worksheet for the method you choose.MD5 WorksheetTo configure AEGIS Client to use MD5 authentication, you need to know:1. Will you use your Windows user name and password for network authentication? (Applies only to Windows clients.)2. If not, what is your unique user name/password combination?If a second set of credentials is required, you need to know the exact user name and password. These are typically case-sensitive.User name: _______________________________________Password: ________________________________________LEAP WorksheetTo configure AEGIS Client to use LEAP authentication, you need to know:1. Will you use your Windows user name and password for network authentication? (Applies only to Windows clients.)2. If not, what is your unique user name/password combination?If a second set of credentials is required, you need to know the exact user name and password. These are typically case-sensitive.User name: _______________________________________Password: ________________________________________