8 - 26 Dolphin® 9500 Series User’s GuideBonding with your phone - This must be completed to establish the Bluetooth connection and involves dial-upnetworking.Automatic Connections - This procedure is optional but makes future Bluetooth connections more convenient.7. Continue to the last screen of the wizard and tap Finish. Now proceed to STEP 6 to complete the bonding process and, ifdesired, set up automatic connections.Dial Up to Your NetworkComplete the following steps to create a new Bluetooth internet connection. Before setting up dial-up networking, prepareyourself with dial-up information and other necessary settings from your office network or ISP.Note: For more information about modem connections, see Creating an External Modem Connection to an ISP on page 5-17.1. Tap Start > Settings > Connections tab > Connections.2. In the top field, select Internet Settings and tap Modify. Then, tap New.