201www.gateway.comLED informationLED informationThe various subsystems in this server include LEDs that can assist you in troubleshootingyour system. See the following table for a description of these LEDs and the informationthey provide:LED Name Function Location Color DescriptionPower LED Identify thepower state ofthe systemFront panel Green ■ Off = Power is off (or S4/S5with ACPI)■ On = Power is on (or S0 withACPI)■ Blinking = S1 Low powerstate with ACPIID Aid in serveridentificationfrom the backpanelFront panel andleft back ofsystem boardBlue On = Server identificationenabledSystemStatus/FaultVisible faultwarningFront panel Green orOrange■ On = No fault■ Green blink = Degraded■ Orange blink = Non-critical■ Orange = Critical ornon-recoverable errorDrive status(general)Hard driveactivity and faultstatusFront panel Green orOrange■ Green on = Drive initializing■ Green blink = Drive active■ Orange on = Drive or slotfailure■ Orange slow blink =Drive orslot fault predicted or rebuildin progress■ Orange fast blink = Driverebuild interrupted orrebuild on empty slotDrive status(individual drives)Drive activity andfault statusIndividual drivecarriersGreen orOrange■ Green blink - Drive active■ Green and orangealternating - Drive is on andis rebuilding RAID, or is onand in fault condition■ Orange blink - Drive is off orin fault condition■ Unlit - Drive is inactive or nodrive installed in carrierMemory boardLEDs (8)Identify conditionof memory boardand DIMMsOn top of eachmemory boardGreen orOrangeFor location and description,see “Memory” on page 85.