GPSMAP 60Cx Owner’s Manual 17BASIC OPERATION >The options menu for each category contains asubmenu of search options such as Find By Name,Find Nearest, Select Symbol (for waypoints), ChangeReference (by moving the pointer to a new location),Nearest Containing (a keyword you enter), SelectCategory (for those groups such as Food & Drink, andLodging). Use these options to shorten your search.Find By NameIf you know the name of the location you want to find,use the Find By Name option.To find a location using Find By Name:1. Press FIND to open the Find Menu.2. Use the ROCKER to highlight the icon for thetype of item for which you want to search, andpress ENTER.OrTo search the entire database, select the AllPoints of Interest icon, and press ENTER.3. Press MENU, highlight Find By Name, andpress ENTER.4. Use the ROCKER and ENTER key to operatethe on-screen keypad and enter the name ofthe location you want to find. When the Findlist contains a match, highlight OK and pressENTER.Find By NameOn-screenkeypad5. Highlight the location in the Find list, and pressENTER. The item’s information page opens,allowing you to save the item as a waypoint,show the item on the map, or automaticallycreate a route (Go To) the item.