GPSMAP 60Cx Owner’s Manual 7GETTING STARTED >Selecting Options and Entering DataTo enter data and select options, use the ROCKER tohighlight, select, or choose an item in a list or a fieldon the screen.To select and activate an option:1. From any page, press MENU. An OptionsMenu appears with a list of additional optionsfor that page.2. Use the ROCKER to move the highlight up,down, right, or left on the menu to highlight theoption you want, and press ENTER to select it.To exit a menu or return to the previoussetting:Press QUIT. The QUIT key moves backwardthrough your steps. Press QUIT repeatedly toreturn to the starting page.Using the Status BarAt the top of each page, the status bar provides statusinformation for several unit features.Status Bar• Power to the unit is provided by either batteriesor from an auxiliary source (AC, DC or USBAdapter). The Battery Power icon ( ) showsthe remaining power as the battery is depleted.• The Auxiliary Power icon ( ) appears whenthe unit is powered by an external source suchas the USB Data Cable provided with yourunit or optional Serial Data/Power Cable orCigarette Lighter Adapter.• Satellite signal status is shown when searchingfor or acquiring satellites ( ), when a 2D fix( ) is attained and when a 3D fix ( ) isattained (four or more satellites are received.)• The Backlight icon ( ) appears when thebacklight is on. Backlighting is off whenyou turn the unit on. The Backlight uses asignificant amount of battery power.• The USB Cable Connection icon ( )appears when the unit is in communication witha PC Universal Serial Bus.