Page 5-14 GNS 400W Series Installation ManualRev. G 190-00356-085.3.9 MAIN DISCRETE INPUTS PageNOTEThe discrete inputs displayed on the page are dependent on the unit configuration andsettings. See Section 5.3.3.Select the MAIN DISCRETE INPUTS Page. Figure 5-14 shows the discrete inputs with the airframeconfigured for Fixed Wing. Figure 5-14a shows the discrete inputs with the airframe configure forhelicopter and includes the HTAWS inputs.GRAY CODEIf the encoding altimeter input is used, verify that theDECODED ALTITUDE field indicates the correctaltitude.EXTERNAL SWITCH STATEThis allows you to verify the operation of any externalswitches that are present in the installation.Selection Verify That:RMT OBS The box is filled in while a remote OBS switch is pressed.RMT CDI The box is filled in while a remote CDI source select switch is pressed.RMT RCL The box is filled in while the COM remote recall switch is pressed.EXTERNAL SWITCH STATE (Helicopter with HTAWS Enabled)This allows you to verify the operation of any external switches that are present in an HTAWSinstallation. See Figure 5-14a.Selection Verify That:RMT OBS The box is filled in while a remote OBS switch is pressed.RMT RCL The box is filled in while the COM remote recall switch is pressed.TER INHB The box is filled in while the Terrain Inhibit switch is pressed.AUD INHB The box is filled in while the HTAWS Audio Inhibit input is pulled low.AUR SUPR The box is filled in while the Aural Suppression switch is pressed.RP MODE The box is filled in while the RP Mode switch is pressed.AIR/GRND The box is filled in when the Air/Ground switch is in use.Figure 5-14. MAIN DISCRETE INPUTS PageFigure 5-14a. MAIN DISCRETE INPUTS Page(Helicopter with HTAWS)