GNS 400W Series Installation Manual Page 1-1190-00356-08 Rev. G1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION1.1 IntroductionThis manual is intended to provide physical, mechanical and electrical information for use in theplanning and design of an installation of the GNS 400W Series unit into an aircraft. It is not a substitutefor an approved airframe-specific maintenance manual, installation design drawing, or completeinstallation data package. Attempting to install equipment by reference to this manual alone and withoutfirst planning or designing an installation specific to your aircraft is not recommended. The content ofthis manual assumes use by competent and qualified avionics engineering personnel and/or avionicsinstallation specialists using standard aviation maintenance practices in accordance with Title 14 of theCode of Federal Regulations and other relevant accepted practices, and is not intended for use byindividuals who lack the competencies set forth above.The 400W Series includes the GPS 400W, GNC 420W, GNC 420AW, GNS 430W, and GNS 430AWpanel-mounted units. Refer to Section 7, Limitations for additional information and other considerations.NOTEExcept where specifically noted, references made to the 430W will equally apply to the430AW. Also, except where specifically noted, references made to the 420W will applyequally to 420AW.Table 1-1. 400W Series UnitsMODEL PART NUMBER COLOR NOTESGPS 400W 011-01057-00 BLACK011-01057-10 GRAY011-01057-40 BLACK NOTE 1011-01057-50 GRAY NOTE 1GNC 420W 011-01058-00 BLACK011-01058-10 GRAY011-01058-40 BLACK NOTE 1011-01058-45 BLACK 28 VDC UPGRADE UNIT011-01058-50 GRAY NOTE 1GNC 420AW 011-01059-00 BLACK011-01059-10 GRAY011-01059-40 BLACK NOTE 1011-01059-50 GRAY NOTE 1GNS 430W 011-01060-00 BLACK011-01060-10 GRAY011-01060-40 BLACK NOTE 1011-01060-45 BLACK 28 VDC UPGRADE UNIT011-01060-50 GRAY NOTE 1GNS 430AW 011-01061-00 BLACK011-01061-10 GRAY011-01061-40 BLACK NOTE 1011-01061-50 GRAY NOTE 1Designations: A = 28 VDC Unit with 16w COM transmitterNote 1: The unit is an upgrade of the non-WAAS unit.