Page 1-2 GNS 400W Series Installation ManualRev. G 190-00356-081.2 RESERVED1.3 Equipment DescriptionThe 400W Series units are 6.25 inches wide 2.66 inches high. The display is a 240 by 128 pixel colorLCD. The units include two removable data cards, one with a Jeppesen database (to be inserted in the leftcard slot), and the second being a terrain/obstacle database (to be inserted in the right card slot).The GPS 400W is a GPS/WAAS unit that meets the requirements of Technical Standard Order(TSO)-C146a (specified in Table 1-3) and may be approved for IFR en route, terminal, non-precision,and precision approach operations.The GNC 420W/(AW) includes all the features of the GPS 400W, and also includes VHFcommunications transceiver. The ―AW‖ model is a 28 VDC unit with a 16 Watt COM transmitter. TheGNC 420W/(AW) meets the requirements of TSOs specified in Table 1-3.The GNS 430W/(AW) includes all the features of the GNC 420W/(AW), and also includes airborneVOR/localizer (LOC) and glideslope (G/S) receivers. The ―AW‖ model is a 28 VDC unit with a 16 WattCOM transmitter. The GNS 430W/(AW) meets the requirements of TSOs specified in Table 1-3.CAUTIONThe GPS 400W Series product display is coated with a special anti-reflective coatingwhich is very sensitive to skin oils, waxes and abrasive cleaners. CLEANERSCONTAINING AMMONIA WILL HARM THE ANTI-REFLECTIVE COATING. It isvery important to clean the display using a clean, lint-free cloth and an eyeglass lenscleaner that is specified as safe for anti-reflective coatings.CAUTIONThe use of ground-based cellular telephones while aircraft are airborne is prohibited byFCC rules. Due to potential interference with onboard systems, the use of ground-basedcell phones while the aircraft is on the ground is subject to FAA regulation 14 CFR§91.21.FCC regulation 47 CFR §22.925 prohibits airborne operation of ground-based cellulartelephones installed in or carried aboard aircraft. Ground-based cellular telephones mustnot be operated while aircraft are off the ground. When any aircraft leaves the ground,all ground-based cellular telephones on board that aircraft must be turned off. Ground-based cell phones that are on, even in a monitoring state, can disrupt GPS performance.