Page 4-22 GNS 400W Series Installation ManualRev. G 190-00356-084.10.3 DME Tuning ConfigurationRefer to Section 5.3.14 for the DME tuning configuration.4.10.4 DME Tuning Calibration and CheckoutNone.4.10.5 DME Tuning Interconnect ReferencesRefer to Appendix H for interconnect information.NOTEFor the GNS 430W to tune a Narco DME 890 or IDME 891 or an ARC (Cessna)RTA-476A using parallel 2 of 5, unique wiring and configuration are required. Refer toSection 5.3.14 and Figure H-24.4.11 HTAWS InterfacesThe HTAWS interfaces are only available if the airframe is configured for helicopter and HTAWS isenabled.4.11.1 AudioPin Name Connector Pin I/OAUDIO 1 HI P4001 37 OutAUDIO 1 LO P4001 38 OutThe AUDIO 1 is a low impedance output and is capable of driving approximately 100mW into a500 ohm load.4.11.2 Annunciators4.11.2.1 HTAWSPin Name Connector Pin I/OREDUCED PROTECTION (RP MODE) P4001 7 OutTERRAIN CAUTION ANNUNCIATE P4001 8 OutTERRAIN WARNING ANNUNCIATE P4001 12 OutTERRAIN NOT AVAILABLE ANNUNCIATE P4001 13 OutThe TERRAIN NOT AVAILABLE ANNUNCIATE sinks up to 250 mA when not active indicating theterrain function is not available or is inhibited, and is annunciated on the front panel display.The following annunciator outputs sink up to 250 mA when active:The REDUCED PROTECTION (RP MODE) output is active when HTAWS is functioning in thereduced protection mode (RP MODE).The TERRAIN CAUTION ANNUNCIATE output is active when an HTAWS caution is active.The TERRAIN WARNING ANNUNCIATE output is active when an HTAWS warning is active.