60Garmin DriveSmart™ 50LMSending a Location from Your Phone toYour DeviceSmartphone Link is registered as a navigationapplication on your phone.1 From your phone, select the button to startnavigating to a location (see the owner’smanual for your phone).2 From the application menu, selectSmartphone Link.The next time you connect your device toyour phone, the location is transferred to therecently found items on your device.Smart NotificationsWhile your device is connected to theSmartphone Link app, you can viewnotifications from your smartphone onyour Garmin DriveSmart device, such astext messages, incoming calls, and calendarappointments.NOTE: You may need to wait a few minutesto receive notifications on your navigationdevice after it connects to the SmartphoneLink app. appears colored in the Bluetoothsettings when smart notifications areconnected and active(Bluetooth FeatureStatus Icons, page 55).Receiving NotificationsNOTICEDo not read or reply to notifications whiledriving.Before your Garmin DriveSmart device canreceive notifications, you must connect it toyour smartphone and to the Smartphone Linkapp.From most pages, a pop up appears whenthe device receives a notification from yoursmartphone. If the device is moving, you mustverify you are a passenger and not the driverbefore you can view notifications.