Garmin DriveSmart™ 50LM 31map tools menu, you can add it(EnablingMap Tools, page 47).2 Select an option:• To detour your route for a specificdistance, select Detour by Distance.• To detour around a specific road on theroute, select Detour by Road.Stopping the RouteFrom the map, select > Stop.Changing the Route CalculationMode1 Select Settings > Navigation > CalculationMode.2 Select an option:• Select Faster Time to calculate routesthat are faster to drive but can be longerin distance.• Select Off Road to calculate point-to-point routes (without roads).• Select Shorter Distance to calculateroutes that are shorter in distance butcan take more time to drive.Trip PlannerYou can use the trip planner to create andsave a trip, which you can navigate later. Thiscan be useful for planning a delivery route,a vacation, or a road trip. You can edit asaved trip to further customize it, includingreordering locations, optimizing the order ofstops, adding scheduling information, andadding shaping points.You can also use the trip planner to edit andsave your active route.Planning a TripA trip can include many destinations, and itmust include at least a starting location andone destination. The starting location is the