Garmin DriveSmart™ 50LM 25and displays a red border on the speedlimit icon when you exceed the postedspeed limit for the current road.Wrong way on a one-way street: The deviceplays a message and displays a full-screenwarning if you travel the wrong way ona one-way street. The edges of the screenappear red and an alert remains at the topof the screen until you leave the one-waystreet or correct your direction of travel.Railroad crossing: The device plays a toneand displays the distance to an upcomingrailroad crossing.Animal crossing: The device plays a toneand displays the distance to an upcominganimal crossing area.Curve: The device plays a tone and displaysthe distance to a curve in the road.Slower traffic: The device plays a tone anddisplays the distance to slower traffic whenyou approach slower traffic at a higherspeed. Your device must be receiving trafficinformation to use this feature.Fatigue warning: The device plays a tone andsuggests upcoming rest stops after youhave been driving for more than two hourswithout stopping.Enabling or Disabling Audible DriverAlertsYou can turn off individual audible driveralerts. The visual alert appears even when theaudible alert is disabled.1 Select Settings > Map & Vehicle > AudibleDriver Alerts.2 Select or clear the check box next to eachalert.