26Garmin DriveSmart™ 50LMNavigating to YourDestinationRoutesA route is a path from your current locationto one or more destinations.• The device calculates a recommendedroute to your destination based onthe preferences you set, including theroute calculation mode(Changing theRoute Calculation Mode, page 31) andavoidances(Avoiding Tolls, Road, andAreas, page 35).• You can start navigating to yourdestination quickly using the recommendedroute, or you can select an alternate route(Starting a Route, page 26).• If there are specific roads you need to useor avoid, you can customize the route(Shaping Your Route, page 30).• You can add multiple destinations to aroute(Adding a Location to Your Route,page 29).Starting a Route1 Select Where To?, and search for a location(Finding and Saving Locations, page 37).2 Select a location.3 Select an option:• To start navigating using therecommended route, select Go!.• To choose an alternate route, select ,and select a route. Alternate routesappear to the right of the map.• To edit the course of the route, select >Edit Route, and add shaping points to theroute(Shaping Your Route, page 30).The device calculates a route to the locationand guides you using voice prompts andinformation on the map(Your Route on the