30Garmin DriveSmart™ 50LM• To add the location to the end of yourroute, select Add As Last Stop.• To add the location and edit the order ofdestinations in your route, select Add toActive Route.The device re-calculates the route to includethe added location and guides you to thedestinations in order.Shaping Your RouteBefore you can shape your route, you muststart a route(Starting a Route, page 26).You can manually shape your route to changeits course. This allows you to direct the routeto use a certain road or go through a certainarea without adding a destination to theroute.1 Touch anywhere on the map.2 Select .The device enters route shaping mode.3 Select a location on the map.TIP: You can select to zoom in on themap and select a more precise location.The device recalculates the route to travelthrough the selected location.4 If necessary, select an option:• To add more shaping points to the route,select additional locations on the map.• To remove a shaping point, select .5 When you are finished shaping the route,select Go!.Taking a DetourYou can take a detour for a specifieddistance along your route or detour aroundspecific roads. This is useful if you encounterconstruction zones, closed roads, or poor roadconditions.1 From the map, select > Change Route.TIP: If the Change Route tool is not in the