IMPORTANTSAFETYINSTRUCTIONS.READALLINSTRUCTIONSBEFOREUSING.WARNING!MICROWAVE-SAFECOOKWAREMake sure all cookware used in your microwave oven is suitable for microwaving. Most glasscasseroles, cooking dishes, measuring cups, custard cups, pottery or china dinnerware which doesnot have metallic trim or glaze with a metallic sheen can be used. Some cookware is labeled"suitable for microwaving."ff you are not sure if a dish is microwave-safe, use this test: Place ill the oven boththe dish you are testing and a glassmeasuring cup filled xdth 1 cup of water--set the measuring cup either ill or next tothe dish. Microwave 35-45 seconds at high.If the dish heats, it should not be usedfor microwm,ing.If the dish remains cool and only thewater ill the cup heats, then the dish ismicrowave-safe.If you use a meat thermometer whilecooking, make sure it is safe for use illmicrowave ovens.Do not use recycled paper products.Recycled paper towels, napkins andwaxed paper may contain metal fleckswhich could cause arcing or ignite.Paper products containing nylon ornylon filaments should be avoided,since they may also i_lite.Some Styrofoam trays (like those thatmeat is packaged on) have a thin stripof metal embedded ill the bottom. Whenmicrowaved, the metal Call burn the floorof the oven or i_lite a paper towel.Not all plastic wrap is suitable for use illmicrowave ovens. Check the package forproper use.Paper towels, waxed paper and plasticwrap Call be used to cover dishes ill orderto retain moisture and prevent spattering.Be sure to vent plastic wrap so steamCall escape.Oversized fbod or oversized metalcookware should not be used ill amicrowave oven. Electrical shock orfire could occui:While paper plates may be used for timedcooking and deflosting, do not use themwith Auto Sensor cooking. Use microwave-safe plains or bowls for reheating. Coverwith plastic wrap.Cookware may become hot becauseof heat transferred flom the heatedfood. Pot holders may be needed tohandle the cookware."Boilable" cooking pouches and tightlyclosed plastic bags should be slit, piercedor vented as directed by package. If theyare not, plastic could burst during orimmediately 'after cooking, possiblyresulting ill injui T. Also, plastic storagecontainers should be at least partiallyuncovered because they form a tight seal.When cooking xdth containers tightlycovered _dth plastic wrap, removecovering carefully and direct steamms,ay flom hands and face.Use foil only as directed ill this manual.TV dinners may be microwaved ill foiltrays less than 3/4" high; remove the topfoil cover and return the tray to the box.When using foil ill the microwave oven,keep the foil at least 1 inch ms,ay flom thesides of the oven.G SAVE THESEINSTRUCTIONS