Care and cleaning of the cooking center. OEApplianoes.eomWARNING:Besureelectrical mower is off and all surfaces are cool before cleaning any partof the cooking center.How to Remove Protective Shipping Film and Packaging TapeCareflllly gIasp a corner of file protectiveshipping film with your finge_s and slowlypeel it flom die appliance surface. Donot use any shmp items to remove filefilm. Remove aU of the film before usingthe appliance for the fiIst 6me.To assure no damage is done m diefinish of file product, file sJest way toremove the adhesNe flom packaging tapeon new appliances is an application of ahousehold liquid dishwashing demrgent.Apply with a soft cloth and allow m soak.NOTE:Theadhesivemustbe removedfromallparts.It cannotbe removedif it is bakedon.Microwave OvenDonotusea commercialovencleaneron anypartof yourmicrowaveoven.RemovableTurntableand TurntableSupportTo pievent breakage, do not place thetu_ntable into wamrj ust after cooking.Wash it careflflly in warm, sudsy wamr orin the dishwasheLThe turntable and suppoIt can bebroken if dropped. Remember, do notopeiam the microwave oven without theturntable and support in place.To _eplace the suppo_t, place its centerpost in the hole. Turn the supportaround until it seats into place.InsideKeep file microwave oven clean andsweet-smelling. Opening the oven door afew minums Jter cooking helps air outthe interioL An occasional thoroughwiping with a solution of baking sodaand water keeps the inmxJor flesh.Spills and spattexs are easy to iemoveflom walls and floor if they are wipedup soon aftei the food is iemoved.Some spatters wipe up with a paper towel,some may iequire a damp cloth. Removegreasy spatters with a sud W cloth, thenrinse and dx>Donotcleanwith metalscouringpads.Piecescanbreakoff thepad,causbgelectricalshock.X_qpe up spatters on die window ondie inside of die door daily. When diewindow is soiled, wash it with a dampcloth. Rinse thoroughly and d_>Wipe metal and plastic parts on dieinside of the door flequently: Use a dampcloth to remove all soil.Donotuseabrasives,suchascleanbgpowdersor steelandplasticpads.Theymaymarthesurface.OutsideGlean die outside of die microwave ovenwith soap and a damp cloth, then dnsewith a damp cloth and dD,. Wipe thewindow clean with a damp cloth. Chromeis best wiped with a damp cloth and thenwith a dxy towel.DoorSurfaceWhen cleaning surfaces of door and oventhat come together on closing the doohuse only mild, non-abn_sive soaps ordemIgents applied with a sponge orsoft cloth.35