Usingthe microwave oven controls.Throughout this manual, features and appearance may vary from your model. Your model may have one of thefollowing controls.Microwave Oven@Sensor Cooking Convenience Cookingo ! ,®,,_e,_o_,Lr_u'°_Glr_o+O_ _ _ _ _ 0'_0_++_uo_eu-_Express Express Express Express Expressl_'___¢%moq ¢-Powe;qL coo,j L Leve! J 6 7 8 9 0 _'-Kitchen_ _"+OelaY+_............................... L_Timer_ j L_Start_Guide Behind DoorMicrowave Ovenf-© L Guide Behind DoorSensor Cooking Convenience CookingExpress Express Express Express Express6 7 8Express Bound On/Off....... I_F Aotoq r-+,meq_Loe+_o_ Loefro____--Ti me_'_ _Power_OOkJ [ Leve!Je I9io ¢_+eaq--OD,,p_._o°/offL_Off_) t_II;tchen_ KDeJoYq+m+_L_storUI0