IMPORTANTSAFETYINSTRUCTIONS.READALLINSTRUCTIONSBEFOREUSING. GEAppliances.comWARNING!SELF-CLEANINGLOWEROVENDo not use aluminum foil to line oven bottoms, except as suggested in this manual Improperinstallation of aluminum foil may result in a risk of electric shock or fire.Stand m_,ayffonl the oven when opening iiiiiiiiithe oven door. Hot air or steam whichescapes can cause burns to hands, face ii!!_i!and/or eyes.Do not heat unopened food containers.Pressure could build up and the containercould burst, causing an in,juiT.Keep the oven vent unobstructed.Keep the oven flee flom #ease buildup.Keep the cooking center clean and fleeof accumulations of grease or spillovers,which may ignite.Never leave the oven door open when youare not watching the cooking centerPlace the oven rack in the desired positionwhile the oven is cool. If racks must behail(fled when hot, do not let pot holdercontact the heating element.When using cooking or roasting bagsin the oven, follow the manufacturer'sdirections.Pulling out the rack to the stop-lock is aconvenience in lifting hem,y foods. It isalso a precaution against bums flomtouching hot surfaces of the door oroven walls.Do llot use the ovell _(()r a storage area.Items stored in an oven can i_lite.Do not leave paper products, cookingutensils or food in the oven when notin use.Do not use the oven to dIT newspapers.If overheated, they can catch oll fire.Never leave,jars or cans of fht drippingsill or Ileal" your oven.Clean only parts listed in this Owner'sManual.Do not clean the door gasket. The doorgasket is essential for a good seal. Careshould be taken not m rob, damage ormove the gasket.Do llOt use ovell clea_lers. No commercialoven cleaner or oven liner protectivecoating of any kind should be used in oraround any part of the oven. Residue flomoven cleaners will damage the inside ofthe oven when the self clean cycle is used.Before self cleaning the oven, removethe probe, broiler pail, _id and othercookware.Be sure to xdpe up excess spillage beforestarting a self cleaning cycle.If the self cleaning mode malfhncfions,turn the oven off and disconnect thepower supply. Have it ser\,iced by aqualified technician.i,isten for a fhn--a fan noise should beheard sometime during the cleaningcycle. If not, call for ser\@e beforeself cleaning again.After broiling, always take any broilerpall out of the oven and clean it. Leftovergrease in a broiler pall can catch fire nexttime you use the oven.READAND FOLLOWTHISSAFETYINFORMATIONCAREFULLY.SAVETHESEINSTRUCTIONS 9