Care and cleaning of the oven,Non-Self-Clean Oven Interior (onsome models)With proper care, the porcelain enamel finishon the inside of the oven-top, bottom, sides,back and inside of the door-will stay new-looking for years.Let the oven cool before cleaning. Werecommend that you wear rubber gloves whencleaning the oven.Soap and water will normally do the job. Heavyspattering or spillovers may require cleaningwith a mild abrasive cleaner. Soap-filledscouring pads may also be used.Do not allow food spills with a high sugar oracid content (such as tomatoes, sauerkraut, fruitjuices or pie filling) to remain on the surface.They may cause a dull spot even after cleaning.The ammonia fumes will help loosen theburned-on grease and food.If necessary, you may use an oven cleaner.Follow the package directions._,Do not spray oven cleaner on the electricalcontrols and switches because it could causea short circuit and result in sparking or fire.,, Do not allow a film from the cleaner to buildup on the temperature sensor-it could causethe oven to heat improperly. (Thesensor islocated at the top of the oven.)Carefullywipethe sensor clean after each oven cleaning,being careful not to move the sensor as achange in its position could affect how theoven bakes.Household ammonia may make the cleaningjob easier. Place!/2 cup in a shallow glass orpottery container in a cold oven overnight.,, Do not spray any oven cleaner on the ovendoor, handles or any exterior surface ofthe oven, cabinets or painted surfaces.Thecleaner can damage these surfaces.Painted SurfacesCleanwith soap and water or a vinegar andwater solution.Do not use commercial oven cleaners,cleansing powders, steel wool or harshabrasives on any painted surface.Glass SurfacesTo clean the outside glass finish, use a glasscleaner. Rinseand polish with a dry cloth.Do not allow the water or cleaner to run downinside the oven door while cleaning.Stainless Steel Surfaces (on some models)Do not use a steel wool pad; it will scratchthe surface.To clean the stainless steel surface, use warmsudsy water or a stainless steel cleaner orpolish.Always wipe the surface in the directionof the grain. Follow the cleaner instructions forcleaning the stainless steel surface.To inquire about purchasing stainless steelappliance cleaner or polish, or to find thelocation of a dealer nearest you, please call ourtoll-free number:National Parts Center1.800.626.2002GEAppliances.com26