Using the proofing and warming features,The proofing feature maintains a warm environment useful for rising yeast-leavened products.GEAppliances.comPROOFFERMENTERSTARTD_PARTTIMER[ MINUTERIEI A uOFF........How to Set the Oven for ProofingFT] Placethe covered dough in the oven onrack B or C.NOTE:For best results, cover the dough with acloth or with greased plastic wrap (theplasticmay need to be anchored underneath thecontainer so the oven fan will not blow it off).[] Pressthe Proof pad and Start pad..The display will read PrF (proof).The oven interior light turns on and remainson during proofing.The proofing feature automatically providesthe optimum temperature for the proofingprocess, and therefore does not have atemperature adjustment.[-_ Set the Timer for the minimum prooftime.[] When proofing is finished, press the Offpad.To avoid lowering the oven temperatureand lengthening proofing time, do not openthe oven door unnecessarily.Check bread products early to avoid over-proofing.NOTE:,, Do not usethe proofing mode for warmingfood or keeping food hot. Theproofing oventemperature is not hot enough to hold foodsat safe temperatures. Use the Warm featureto keep hot food warm.Proofing will not operate when oven isabove !25°F (52°C)."HOT"will show in thedisplay.WAR_How to Set the Oven for WarmingThe warm feature keeps cooked foods warmfor up to 3 hours after a timed function isfinished, or warm can be activated to keephot, cooked foods warm. This feature is notdesigned to reheat cold food.To use this feature, press the Warm pad onceand then the Start pad.To activate this feature for use after TimedBaking or Roasting, press the Warm pad whileprogramming the oven and before pressingStart.To Crisp Stale ItemsPlacefood in low-sided dishes or pans.For best results, place the food items in asingle layer. Do not stack.Leavethem uncovered.Check crispness after 20-30 minutes. Addtime as needed.IMPORTANT NOTES:iiiB_Food should be kept hot in its cookingcontainer or transferred to a heat-safeserving dish.For moist foods,cover them with an oven-safe lid or aluminum foil.Fried or crisp foods do not need to becovered, but can become too dry if warmedfor too long.Repeated opening of the door allows the hotair to escape and the food to cool.Allow extra time for the temperature insidethe oven to stabilize after adding items.With large loads it may be necessary to coversome of the cooked food items.Remove serving spoons, etc.,before placingcontainers in the oven.Do not use plastic containers, lids or plasticwrap.CAUTION:Plastic containers, lids or plasticwrap will melt if placed in the oven. Meltedplastic may not be removable and is notcovered under your warranty.11