Adjust the oven thermostat--Do it yourselfl GEApp,ances.coYou may find that your new oven cooks differently than the one it replaced. Useyour new oven for a few weeks to become more familiarwith it. If you still think your new oven is too hot or too cold,you can adjust the thermostat yourself.Oo not use thermometers, such as those found in grocery stores,to check the temperature setting ofyour oven. Thesethermometers mayvary 20-40 degrees.NOTE"This adjustment will only affect baking and roasting temperatures; it does not affect broiling or self-cleaningtemperatures. Theadjustment wil! be retained in memory after a power failure.To Adjust the Oven Thermostat (onsomemodels)Go@..... [] Pressthe Bake and Broil Hi/Lo pods(ondouble r_iLak_ ovenmodels,usethe upper ovencontrols)at theL_j sometime for 3 secondsuntilthe displayshowsz s 4 s SF.Thenproceedwith steps2 through4, usingthe podsfor the upperor loweroven.6 7 8 @ Qor@raepending on moaelt[_ Pressthe Bake pad.A two-digit numbershowsinthe display.On modelswith numberpads,pressBakeagainto alternatebetweenincreasingand decreasingtheoventemperature. %Theoventemperaturecan be adjustedup to(+)35°Fhotter or (-)35°Fcooler.On modelswith number pads, pressthemthe same way you read them. Forexample,to change the oventemperature 15°F,pressI and 5.Onmodelswith Tamp+ and - pads,pressthemto increaseor decreasethetemperaturein 1degreeincrements.Whenyou havemadethe adjustment,presstheStart pad to go backto thetime of daydisplay.Useyour ovenasyouwould normally.Turn the disk counterclockwise toincrease the oven temperature.To Adjust the Oven Thermostat (onsomemodels)Pullthe OVENknoboffthe shaft,lookat the backofthe knoband notethecurrent settingbeforemakinganyadjustment.Theknobisfactory setwith thetopscrewdirectlyunderthe pointer.r_ pullofftheOVEN knob.[] Loosenbothscrewson backof the knob.r_ Holdboth partsof the knobas shownin theillustrationof the backof the OVENknobandturn sothe lowerscrewmovesin the desireddirection.Youwill hearand feelthe notchesasyouturn theknob.Eachnotch changestemperatureabout 10°Fahrenheit.r_ Tightenthe screws.[] Returnthe OVENknobto the oven.Re-checkovenperformancebeforemakinganyadditionaladjustments.Turn the disk clockwise to decreasethe oven temperature.The type of margarine will affect baking performance!Most recipes for baking have been developed using high-fat products such as butter or margarine (80% fat). Ifyou decreasethe fat, the recipe may not give the same results as with a higher-fat product.Recipe failure can result if cakes, pies, pastries, cookies or candies are made with low-fat spreads. The lower the fat content ofa spread product, the more noticeable these differences become.Federal standards require products labeled "margarine" to contain at least 80% fat by weight. Low-fat spreads, on the other hand,contain lessfat and more water. The high moisture content of these spreads affect the texture and flavor of baked goods. For bestresults with your old favorite recipes, use margarine, butter or stick spreads containing at least 70% vegetable oil.15