1 2 3MIN MED MAX 4 56 7 8 9 0CLEANN ETTOYAGE1 2 3MIN MED MAX 4 56 7 8 9 0S TARTDÉPARTS TARTDÉPARTS TART TIMEHEURE DEDÉPARTGEAppliances.caHow to Delay the Start of CleaningTouch theCLEAN pad.Using the number pads, enter thedesired clean time, if a time otherthan 4 hours, 20 minutes is needed.You can change the clean time to anytime between 3 hours and 5 hours,depending on how dirty your oven is.Touch theSTART TIME pad.Using the number pads, enter thetime of day you want the clean cycleto start.Touch theSTART pad.The door locks automatically. The displaywill show the start time. It will not bepossible to open the oven door untilthe temperature drops below the locktemperature and theLOCKED lightgoes off.When theLOCKED light goes off, youwill be able to open the door.After a Clean CycleYou may notice some white ash in theoven. Wipe it up with a damp cloth afterthe oven cools.If white spots remain, remove themwith a soap-filled steel wool pad and rinsethoroughly with a vinegar and watermixture.These deposits are usually a salt residuethat cannot be removed by the cleancycle.If the oven is not clean after one cleancycle, repeat the cycle.You cannot set the oven for cooking or anotherself-clean cycle until the oven is cool enoughfor the door to unlock.While the oven is self-cleaning, you can touchtheCLOCKpad to display the time of day.To return to the clean countdown, touch theCOOK TIMEpad.If the racks become hard to slide, apply a smallamount of cooking oil to a paper towel andwipe the edges of the oven racks with thepaper towel.23Safety Instructions Operating Instructions Care and Cleaning Troubleshooting Tips Consumer Support