131 2 3MIN MED MAX 4 56 7 8 9 01 2 3MIN MED MAX 4 56 7 8 9 0B AKECUIREC OOK TIMET EMPS DECUISSONSTARTDÉPARTSTARTD ÉPARTOFFA RRÊT1 2 3MIN MED MAX 4 56 7 8 9 01 2 3MIN MED MAX 4 56 7 8 9 0C OOK TIMETEMPS DECUISSON1 2 3MIN MED MAX 4 56 7 8 9 0B AKEC UIRES TARTDÉPARTSTARTD ÉPARTOFFA RRÊTS TART TIMEH EURE DEDÉPARTUsing the timed baking and roasting features. GEAppliances.caNOTE:Foods that spoil easily³such as milk, eggs, fish, stuffings, poultry and pork³should not be allowed to sit formore than 1 hour before or after cooking. Room temperature promotes the growth of harmful bacteria. Be sure thatthe oven light is off because heat from the bulb will speed harmful bacteria growth.Touch theBAKE pad.Touch the number pads to set thedesired oven temperature.Touch theCOOK TIME pad.NOTE:If your receipe requires preheating,you may need to add additional time to thelenght of the cooking time.Touch the number pads to set thedesired length of cooking time. Theminimum cooking time you can setis 1 minute.The oven temperature that you setand the cooking time that youentered will be in the display.Touch theSTART pad.NOTE:If your receipe requires preheating,you may need to add additional time tothe length of the cooking time.NOTE:timed baking and do not touch theSTARTCOOK TIMEpad..NOTE:If you would like to check the timesyou have set, touch thepad to check the lenght of cookingtime you have set.pad toSTART TIMEAn attention tone will sound if you are usingTouch the OFF pad to clear thedisplay if necessary. Remove the foodfrom the oven. Remember, eventhough the oven turns offautomatically, food left in the ovenwill continue cooking after theoven turns off.Safety Instructions Operating Instructions Care and Cleaning Troubleshooting Tips Consumer SupportNOTE: An attention tone will sound if youare using timed baking and do not touchthe START pad.The ovenwill turn ON, and the display willshow the cooking time countdown and thechanging temperature starting at 37.8 °C(100 °F). (The temperature display willstart to change once the oven temperaturereaches 37.8 °C [100 °F]). When the ovenreaches the temperature you set, 3 beepswill sound.The oven will continue to cook forthe set amount of time, then turn offautomatically.Touch the OFF pad to clear thedisplay if necessary. Remove thefood from the oven. Remember,even though the oven turns offautomatically, food left in the ovenwill continue cooking after theoven turns off.When the oven turns ON at the timeof day you set, the display will showthe cooking time countdown and thechanging temperature starting at 37.8°C(100 °F). (The temperature displaywill start to change once the oventemperature reaches 37.8 °C [100°F]).When the oven reaches the temperatureyou set, 3 beeps will sound.The oven will continue to cook forthe set amount of time, then turnautomatically.How to Set a Delayed Start and Automatic StopThe oven will turn on at the time of dayyou set, cook for a specific lenght of timean then turn off automatically.How to Set an Immediate Start and Automatic StopThe oven will turn on immediately and cookfor a selected length of time. At the end ofthe cooking time the oven will turn offautomaticallyMake sure the clock shows the correcttime of day.Touch the BAKE pad.Touch the number pads to set thedesired oven temperature.Touch the COOK TIME pad.Touch the number pads to set thedesired length of cooking time. Theminimum cooking time you can setis 1 minute.The oven temperature that you setand the cooking time that youentered will be in the displayTouch the START TIME pad.Touch the number pads to set thetime of day you want the oven toturn on and startcooking.Touch the START pad.