5-16 CARESCAPE Monitor B850 2040384-004DInstallation checkout procedurePerform the following installation checkout procedures for the patient monitoringsystem. If any peripheral devices are connected to the patient monitor, perform theapplicable tests.Interface devicesDisplay1. Verify the following are working properly: alarm light sounds USB hub keypad touch2. Verify that all text on the display screen is readable.3. Verify that all images on the display screen are clear.TouchscreenVerify that touching a parameter window displays the screen information for thatparameter.Keypad and remote1. Press the Data & Pages key and select the Admit/Discharge or Start/End Caseby using the TRIM KNOB.2. Verify that the TRIM KNOB can be used to navigate and select the Admit/Discharge or Start/End Case button.Mouse1. For a mouse that is connected to a USB port, move the mouse cursor over toData & Pages and select Admit/Discharge or Start/End Case.2. Verify that the cursor moves and a new window is displayed.Keyboard1. Make sure that the language of the keyboard and clinical application matches.2. Navigate to Edit Name & Number window by selecting Data & Pages > Admit/Discharge or Start/End Case > Edit Name & Number.3. Select the Last Name field and type all characters on the keyboard.4. Verify that typed keys are correctly displayed.