GE Multilin C70 Capacitor Bank Protection and Control System C-27APPENDIX C C.7 LOGICAL NODESCC.7LOGICAL NODES C.7.1 LOGICAL NODES TABLEThe UR-series of relays supports IEC 61850 logical nodes as indicated in the following table. Note that the actual instantia-tion of each logical node is determined by the product order code. For example. the logical node “PDIS” (distance protec-tion) is available only in the D60 Line Distance Relay.Table C–1: IEC 61850 LOGICAL NODES (Sheet 1 of 4)NODES UR-FAMILYL: SYSTEM LOGICAL NODESLPHD: Physical device information YesLLN0: Logical node zero YesLCCH: Physical communication channel supervision ---LGOS: GOOSE subscription ---LSVS: Sampled value subscription ---LTIM: Time management ---LTMS: Time master supervision ---LTRK: Service tracking ---A: LOGICAL NODES FOR AUTOMATIC CONTROLANCR: Neutral current regulator ---ARCO: Reactive power control ---ATCC: Automatic tap changer controller ---AVCO: Voltage control ---C: LOGICAL NODES FOR CONTROLCALH: Alarm handling ---CCGR: Cooling group control ---CILO: Interlocking ---CPOW: Point-on-wave switching ---CSWI: Switch controller YesCSYN: Synchronizer controller ---F: LOGICAL NODES FOR FUNCTIONAL BLOCKSFCNT: Counter ---FCSD: Curve shape description ---FFIL: Generic filler ---FLIM: Control function output limitation ---FPID: PID regulator ---FRMP: Ramp function ---FSPT: Set-point control function ---FXOT: Action at over threshold ---FXUT: Action at under threshold ---G: LOGICAL NODES FOR GENERIC REFERENCESGAPC: Generic automatic process control ---GGIO: Generic process I/O YesGLOG: Generic log ---GSAL: Generic security application ---I: LOGICAL NODES FOR INTERFACING AND ARCHIVINGIARC: Archiving ---IHMI: Human machine interface ---ISAF: Safety alarm function ---ITCI: Telecontrol interface ---ITMI: Telemonitoring interface ---