GE Multilin C70 Capacitor Bank Protection and Control System 5-2555 SETTINGS 5.8 INPUTS AND OUTPUTS5Remote outputs (1 to 32) are FlexLogic operands inserted into GSSE/GOOSE messages that are transmitted to remotedevices on a LAN. Each digital point in the message must be programmed to carry the state of a specific FlexLogic oper-and. The above operand setting represents a specific DNA function (as shown in the following table) to be transmitted.b) USERST BIT PAIRSPATH: SETTINGS INPUTS/OUTPUTS REMOTE OUTPUTS UserSt BIT PAIRS REMOTE OUTPUTS UserSt- 1(32) BIT PAIRRemote outputs 1 to 32 originate as GSSE/GOOSE messages to be transmitted to remote devices. Each digital point in themessage must be programmed to carry the state of a specific FlexLogic operand. The setting above is used to select theoperand which represents a specific UserSt function (as selected by the user) to be transmitted.For more information on GSSE/GOOSE messaging, see the Remote Inputs/Outputs Overview in the RemoteDevices section.5.8.9 RESETTINGPATH: SETTINGS INPUTS/OUTPUTS RESETTINGSome events can be programmed to latch the faceplate LED event indicators, target message, and/or graphical panelannunciator windows. Once set, the latching mechanism holds all of the latched indicators or messages in the set stateafter the initiating condition has cleared until a RESET command is received to return these latches (not including FlexLogiclatches) to the reset state where the initiating condition has cleared. The RESET command can be sent from the faceplateReset button, a remote device via a communications channel, or any selected operand.The three sources of RESET commands each activates the RESET OP FlexLogic operand. Each individual source of aRESET command also creates its individual operand RESET OP (PUSHBUTTON), RESET OP (COMMS), or RESET OP (OPER-AND) to identify the source of the command. Each of these three operands generates an event in the event record whenactivated. The setting shown above selects the operand that activates the RESET OP (OPERAND) operand.Table 5–33: IEC 61850 DNA ASSIGNMENTSDNA IEC 61850 DEFINITION FLEXLOGIC OPERAND1 Test IEC 61850 TEST MODE2 ConfRev IEC 61850 CONF REV REMOTE OUTPUTS UserSt- 1 BIT PAIRUserSt- 1 OPERAND:OffRange: FlexLogic operandMESSAGE UserSt- 1 EVENTS:DisabledRange: Disabled, Enabled RESETTINGRESET OPERAND:OffRange: FlexLogic operandNOTE