39The settings for 3D output control (‘3D Sync Polarity’, ‘Dark Time’, ‘Output Delay’ and ‘PhaseDelay’) should be customized according to the type of 3D system used (RealD, XpanD orDolby3D).If a particular model of the projector is capable of HFR 3D, It is required to setup different 3Dsetting for different frame rates. This will ensure all channels have a corresponding 3D macro foreach refresh rate. For example, 6:2 for 24fpeps, 4:2 for 48fpeps, and 2:2 for 60fpeps.7.5. IMB 3D macro settings changesServer software version 9.0 makes changes to the IMB 3D output format. The following projectormacro changes are required to support these changes.Note: These are required changes on the projector. IMB 3D output will not function properly unless thesechanges are made.The SX-3000 with the Software version 9.0 will always enable the “IMB 3D output in ‘4:4:4’”format.Figure 48 IMB 3D 4:4:4 configuration on SX-3000.7.5.1. Series 2 Projector 3D Macro SettingsSince the ‘IMB 3D 4:4:4’ option is checked in SMS configuration, providing automatic 4:4:4 output.All 3D macros within the projector should be changed to use ‘4:4:4’ input.