2. Disconnectthe dislodgerfrom the beamweldbracketby removingthe six hexscrews.See Figure3-4.3. Disconnectthe log cradlefrom the beamon the side of thecontrolvalve.SeeFigure3-5.4. Lift and slide the cylinderup to the top of beamand intothe weldbrackets.5. Attachthe dislodgeroverthewedgeassemblyand securewithhardware,previouslyremoved,to the weld brackets.NOTE:Oncethe six hex screwsare tightened,there maybe a slightgap betweenthedislodgerand the weld brackets.This gap is normal.6. Reattachthe log cradleto the side of the beamwith the controlvalve,aligningthe endsof the cradlewith the beamflanges.7. Roll log splitteroff the bottomcrate.Preparing the Log Splitter1. Lubricatethe beamarea (wherethe splittingwedgewill slide)withengineoil; do not usegrease.2. Removeventedreservoirdipstick,which is locatedin front of theengineon top of the reservoirtank.See Figure3-6.IMPORTANT:The log splittermay havebeen shippedand primedwith hydraulicfluid in the reservoirtank. However,you MUSTcheckthe fluidlevelbeforeoperating.If not filled, proceedwith thefollowingsteps:3. Fillthe reservoirtank with hydraulicfluid includedwith this unit (ifequipped)or approvedfluids which includeDexron®III / Mercon®Ill automatictransmissionfluid, a 10WeightAW hydraulicoil orPro-MixTM AW-32HydraulicOil.4. Checkfluid levelusingthe dipstick.See Figure3-6. Do notoverfill.5. Replaceventeddipsticksecurely,tighteningit untilthe top of thethreadsare flushwith top of the pipe.6. Disconnectthe spark plugand primethe pumpby pullingthe recoilstarteras faras it will go. Repeatapproximately10 times.7. Reconnectthe sparkplug wireand start enginefollowinginstruc-tions in the OPERATIONsection.8. Use controlhandleto engagethe wedgeto thefarthestextendedposition.Thenretractthe wedge.9. Refilltank as specifiedon the dipstick.NOTE:Failureto refill thetank will void unit'swarranty.10.Extendand retractthe wedge12completecyclesto removetrappedair in the system(thesystemis "self-bleeding").11.Refill reservoirwithin rangemarkedon the dipstick._ ARNING:Much of the original fluid hasbeendrawnintothe cylinderand hoses.Makecertainto refill the reservoirto preventdamageto thehydraulicpump.NOTE:Somefluidmay overflowfromthe vent plug as the systembuildsheatand the fluidexpandsand seeksa balancedlevel.f --,,,.. jFigure 3-4ff, _ jlJ _Figure 3-6J7