Horizontal Position1. Pull theverticalbeamlock out and rotate it down.See Figure4-1.Pivotbeamto the horizontalposition.The beamwill lockautomati-cally in horizontalposition.2. Standbehindthe reservoirtank to operatecontrol handleand tostabilizethe log.Operating TipsAlways:1. Use cleanfluidand cheekfluid levelregularly.2. Use an approvedhydraulicfluid. Approvedfluids includeDexron®III/Mercon® III automatictransmissionfluid,a 10WeightAWhydraulicoil or Pro-MixTM AW-32HydraulicOil.3. Use a filter (cleanor replaceregularly).4. Use a breathercapon fluidreservoir.5. Makesure pumpis mountedand alignedproperly.6. Use a flexible "spider"type couplingbetweenengineand pumpdriveshafts.7. Keephoses clearand unblocked.8. Bleedair outof hosesbeforeoperating.9. Flushand clean hydraulicsystembeforerestartingafter servicing.10.Use "pipedope"on all hydraulicfittings.11.Allowtime for warm-upbeforesplittingwood.12.Primethe pumpbeforeinitialstart-upby turningoverthe enginewith spark plugdisconnected.13.Splitwoodalong the grain(lengthwise)only.Never:1. Use whenfluid isbelow20° F or above150° R2. Use a solid engine/pump coupling.3. Operatethroughreliefvalve for long.4. Attemptto adjustunloadingor reliefvalvesettingswithoutpressuregauges.5. Operatewith air in hydraulicsystem.6. Use teflontape on hydraulicfittings.7. Attemptto cut woodacrossthe grain.8. Attemptto removepartiallysplit woodfrom the wedgewith yourhands.Fully retractwedgeto dislodgewoodwith log dislodger.fFigure 4-4Transporting the Log SplitterIMPORTANT:Alwaysturnfuel valveto OFF positionbeforetransport-ing the log splitter.1. Lowerthe beamto its horizontalposition.Makecertainthe beamislockedsecurelywith the horizontalbeam lock.2. Removespringclip and clevispin from jack stand.3. Supportthe tongueand pivotthe jack stand up againstthetongue.See Figure4-4.4. Securewith the springclip and clevis pin previouslyremoved.SeeFigure4-4.5. Attachcouplerhitch toa class I or higher2" ball on a towingvehicle;latch securely.a. If coupler hitch does not fit on ball: Turnadjustmentnut oneturn counter-clockwise.b. If coupler hitch is too loose on ball: Turnadjustmentnut oneturn clockwise.6. Connectthesafety chainsto the towingvehicle.7. Plugin the tail lights,if so equipped,to thetail lightconnectoronthe tow vehicle._ WARNING: Do not tow faster than 45mph and checklocal, state, and federal requirements before towingon any publicroad.NOTE:Usecautionwhenbackingup. It is recommendedto use aspotteroutsidethe vehicle.11