Figure 4-3Stopping Engine1. Pushstop switchto OFF.2. Disconnectspark plug wireand groundagainstthe enginetopreventunintendedstarting.Starting Engine1. Attachspark plugwireto sparkplug. Makecertain the metalcap onthe end of the sparkplug is fastenedsecurelyoverthe metal tip onthe sparkplug.2. Pushstop switchto ON.3. Movechokecontrolto CHOKEposition.4. Graspstarterhandleand pull rope out slowlyuntilenginereachesstartof compressioncycle(rope will pullslightly harderat thispoint).5. Pull rope with a rapid,continuous,full armstroke.Keep a firm gripon starterhandle.Let roperewindslowly.6. Repeat,if necessary,untilenginestarts. Slowlyadjust choketowardRUNposition.Wait untilenginerunssmoothlybeforeeachchokeadjustment.7. If enginefalters,movecontrolleverto CHOKEposition,then slowlybackto RUNposition.8. If weatheris cold,run wedgeup or down beam6 to 8 timestocirculatethe hydraulicfluid._ WARNING:When startinga warm engine,the muf-fler and surroundingareas are hot and cancauseaburn.Do not touch.Using the Log Splitter1. Placethe log splitteron level,dry ground.2. Placethe beamin eitherthe horizontalor verticalpositionand lockin placewith the appropriatelocking rod.3. Block the frontand backof bothwheels.4. Placethe log againstthe end plateand only split woodin thedirectionof the grain.5. Tostabilizethe log,placeyourhand onlyon sidesof log. Neverplace handon the end betweenthe logand the splittingwedge.6. Only one adultshouldstabilizethe log and operatethe controlhandle,so theoperatorhasfull controloverthe log and the splittingwedge.Control Handle1. Move controlhandleFORWARDor DOWNto split wood.2. Releasethe controlhandleto stop the wedgemovement.3. Move controlhandleBACKor UP to returnthe wedge.Log DislodgerThe log dislodgerisdesignedto removeany partiallysplit woodfromthe wedge.This mayoccur whilesplittinglargediameterwoodorfreshlycut wood._ ARNING: Never remove partiallysplit wood fromthe wedgewith your hands.Fingersmay becometrapped between split wood.1. To removepartiallysplit woodfrom wedge,movecontrolhandletoREVERSEpositionuntilwedgeis fully retractedto allowsplit woodportionto contactthe logdislodger.2. Once removedfromwedgewith log dislodger,split woodfromoppositeend or in anotherlocation.Vertical Position1. Pull the horizontalbeamlock out to releasethe beamand pivot thebeamto the verticalposition.2. To lock thebeam in the verticalposition,pull out on the verticalbeam lockand rotateit to securethe beam.See Figure4-1.3. Standin front of the unitto operatethe control handleand tostabilizethe log.See Figure4-3.10