fAdjustmentBolt-GibJam NutLock NutFigure 5-1_ WARNING:Do not at any time make any adjust-ments without first stopping engine,disconnectingspark plugwire,and groundingit against theengine.Alwayswear safety glasses during opera-tion or whileperformingany adjustments or repairs.Wedge Assembly AdjustmentAs normalwearoccursand there isexcessive"play"betweenthewedgeand beam,adjustthe bolts on the side ofthe wedgeassemblyto eliminateexcessspacebetweenthe wedgeand the beam.1. Loosenthe jam nutson the two adjustmentbolts on the sideof thewedge.See Figure5-1.2. Turnthe adjustmentbolts in untilsnugand then backthem offslowly(approximately1.5turns) untilthe wedgeassemblywill slideon the beam.3. Re-tightenthe jam nuts securelyagainsttheside of the wedgetosecurethe adjustmentbolts in this position.Gib AdjustmentPeriodicallyremoveand replacethe "gibs"(spacers)betweenthewedgeassemblyand the back plate.NOTE:The gibs maybe rotatedand/or turnedoverfor evenwear.1. Loosenthe lock nuts undereachback plateand slidethe gibs out.See Figure5-1.2. Turnor replacethe gibs.3. Reassembletheback plateand securewith the lock nuts.4. Readjustthe bolts on the side of thewedgeassembly.Hose Clamps• Check, beforeeachuse, if hoseclampson thesuctionhose(attachedto theside of the pump)are tight.Checkthe hoseclampson the returnhoseat leastonce a season.Flexible Pump CouplerThe flexiblepumpcoupleris a nylon"spider"insert,locatedbetweenthe pumpand the engineshaft. Overtime,the couplerwill hardenanddeteriorate.Replacethe couplerif youdetectvibrationor noisecomingfrom thearea betweentheengineand thepump. If the couplerfails completely,you willexperiencea loss of power.IMPORTANT:Neverhitthe engineshaft in any manner,as a blowwillcause permanentdamageto theengine.12