Prepareyour log splitterforstorageat the end of the seasonor if the 2. Start the engineand let it run untilthe fuel linesand carburetorarelog splitterwill notbe usedfor 30 days or more. empty._ ARNING:Neverstore machine withfuel in thefuel tank insideof buildingwherefumes may reachan open flame or sparkor where ignitionsourcesare presentsuch as hot water and spaceheaters,furnaces, clothesdyers,stoves, electricmotors, etc.IMPORTANT:Neveruseengineor carburetorcleanerproductsin thefuel tank or permanentdamagemayoccur.Usefresh fuel nextseason.3. Removespark plug,pourapproximately1/2 oz. of engine oil intocylinderand crank slowlyto distributeoil.4. Replacespark plug.NOTE:Yearlycheck-upby your localSearsservicecenteris a goodwayto ensureyourlog splitterwill providemaximumperformancenextseason.Log Splitter1. Cleanthe log splitterthoroughly.2. Wipeunitwith an oiled rag to preventrust,especiallyon the wedgeand the beam.NOTE:Fuelstabilizeris an acceptablealternativein minimizingforformationof fuel gumdepositsduring storage.Pleasefollowthe instructionsbelowfor storingyourlog splitterwithfuel and stabilizerin theengine:1. Add stabilizerto gasolinein fuel tank or storagecontainer.Alwaysfollow the mix ratiofoundon stabilizercontainer.2. Run engineat least 10 minutesafter addingstabilizerto allowthestabilizerto reachthe carburetor.EngineIMPORTANT:It is importantto preventgumdepositsfrom forminginessentialfuel systempartssuch as carburetor,fuel filter,fuel hose,or tank duringstorage.Also, alcoholblendedfuels (calledgasoholorusingethanolor methanol)can attractmoisturewhich leadsto separa-tionand formationof acids duringstorage.Acidic gascan damagethefuelsystemof an enginewhile in storage.1. Drainthe fueltank. Alwaysdrainfuel intoapprovedcontaineroutdoorsawayfrom open flame.Be surethe engineis cool. Donotsmokewhile handlingthe fuel.IMPORTANT:Do notdrain thegas tank and carburetorif usingfuelstabilizer.Drainall the oil from the crankcase(thisshouldbe doneafter the enginehas beenoperatedand is still warm)and refillthecrankcasewith fresh oil.Other,, Do not storegasolinefromone seasonto another.,, Replaceyourgasolinecan if it starts to rust.,, Store unitin a clean, dry area.Do notstore next to corrosivematerials,such as fertilizer.,, Wipeequipmentwith an oiled rag to preventrust.17