56ERecording1. Open the menu and select CUSTOM KEY.2. Select the function.3. Close the menu.+ , + , + , + PLAY(VCR)CARDCAMERACARDPLAY(VCR)TAPECAMERATAPECUSTOM KEY( 18)Using the Custom KeyYou can assign frequently used functions to the custom key (independently for TAPE CAMERAmode, TAPE PLAY (VCR) mode, CARD CAMERA mode and CARD PLAY (VCR) mode). This allowsyou to customize the camcoder to your recording situations.Default settings:To check the current CSTM KEY setting in TAPE CAMERA or CARD CAMERA mode, open the menu,select DISPLAY SET UP, GUIDE INFO and CUSTOM KEY. In TAPE PLAY (VCR) or CARD PLAY (VCR)mode, open the menu, select DISPLAY SET UP and set CUSTOM KEY to ON. The current setting willbe displayed on the screen.Functions listed below can be assigned to custom key.* Functions with an asterisk can be operated only by the custom key.TAPE CAMERA mode: INDEX WRITETAPE PLAY (VCR) mode: TV SCREENCARD CAMERA mode: ZEBRA PATTERNCARD PLAY (VCR) mode: TV SCREENTAPE + CAMERAIndex Write*Zebra PatternVCR Stop*TV ScreenMicrophoneMicrophone AttenuatorGrip Zoom SpeedHandle Zoom SpeedAudio Level IndicatorAE ShiftImage StabilizerTAPE + PLAY (VCR)TV ScreenMicrophoneMicrophone AttenuatorAudio AttenuatorAudio Level IndicatorCARD + CAMERAZebra PatternTV ScreenGrip Zoom SpeedHandle Zoom SpeedAE ShiftImage StabilizerCARD + PLAY (VCR)TV ScreenChanging the Custom Keys Setting