151E AdditionalInformationCaution PhrasesTime zone, date and time are not set. This message appearseach time you turn the power on until you set the time zone,date and time ( 30).Battery pack is exhausted. Replace or charge the battery pack.Replace the tape or change the position of the protect switchon the cassette ( 16, 17).The camcorder stopped operating to protect the cassette.Remove the cassette and retry the operation from thebeginning ( 140).DV cable is not connected, or the connected digital device isturned off ( 97).Condensation has been detected in the camcorder ( 140).Tape reached the end. Rewind or remove the tape ( 86).Recording is made in a mode other than the SP mode. Audiodubbing or AV insert not possible ( 103, 106).Recording is made in 16-bit or 12-bit 4-channel mode. Audiodubbing not possible ( 106).Camcorder detected a blank section on the tape. Audiodubbing or AV insert not possible ( 103, 106).Displayed immediately after you start recording when the videoheads are dirty. Clean the video heads ( 139).You attempted to playback a copyright protected tape( 98).The camcorder displays various caution phrases for approx. 4 seconds.SET THE TIME ZONE,DATE AND TIMECHANGE THE BATTERY PACKTHE TAPE IS SET FOR ERASUREPREVENTIONREMOVE THE CASSETTECHECK THE DV INPUTCONDENSATIONHAS BEEN DETECTEDTAPE ENDCHECK THE CASSETTE[REC MODE]CHECK THE CASSETTE[AUDIO MODE]CHECK THE CASSETTE[BLANK]HEADS DIRTY,USE CLEANING CASSETTECOPYRIGHT PROTECTEDPLAYBACK IS RESTRICTED