Can I bring dreams to lifewith quality & versatility?They've been dreaming about the wedding day for months.Every detail has been planned. It goes perfectly. Bride andgroom look radiant and the guests enjoy themselves.You can bring back those special moments in a top-qualityvideo recording.SUPERB QUALITYThe Canon XM2 Digital Camcordercombines the best of all worlds. Itsadvanced technology delivers unri-valled image quality in its class, while itis still easy to operate. That makes it anideal choice for both serious camcorderenthusiasts, professional video-graphers and filmmakers. Whetheryou're regularly providing broadcastor web content, making educationalvideos or recording an event like awedding, the XM2's high performancewill make your work more enjoyableand the result more satisfying.INSPIRATIONAL VERSATILITYNo two video shoots are alike. What'shappening, where it's happening, move-ment, colour – it all demands a certainamount of fine-tuning to capture thespecial moments you want. The XM2features adjustments and enhancementsfor sound and picture for your personalcreativity. Plus a LCD screen for easyviewing.NEW GENERATION 3CCDThe Canon 3CCD system separates lightentering the camcorder into red, blueand green, making colour reproductioncleaner and sharper. The new high-sensitivity 3CCD with 470,000 pixelsprovides 540 lines horizontal resolution.Fluorite lensFor sharp imagesand perfect colourreproduction.YOU CANWITH THE XM23CCD unitGuaranteesoutstanding detailand high performance.Positioning the green CCD out of line(pixel shift) sharpens image reproductioneven if your subject moves. A new SuperPixel Shift (horizontal + vertical) achieveswider dynamic range for movies, reducingvertical smear and gives 1.7 mega-pixelhigh resolution photos.PROFESSIONAL FLUORITE LENSCanon has always led the way in opticaldevelopment. The first to equip a cam-corder with a fluorite lens – a lens thatprovides the quality of 35mm andbroadcast TV. The XM2 has a ProfessionalL-Series fluorite lens. Combined with20x optical zoom and 100x digital zoom,plus an optical image stabiliser, you canbe sure of superior images.CCD RCCD GCCD B