CHAPTER 11 TROUBLESHOOTINGCOPYRIGHT © 1999 CANON INC. CANON NP6512/6612/7120/7130/7130F REV.0 AUG. 1999 PRINTED IN JAPAN (IMPRIME AU JAPON) 11-65IV. TROUBLESHOOTING MALFUNCTIONSA. Troubleshooting Malfunctions1 E000YES/NONONOYESYESNOCauseThermistor(TH1)Heater,Fuse (FU2)Thermistor(TH1)Compositepowersupply PCBDC control-ler PCBStep1234ChecksAre the connection of J102 on the DCcontroller PCB and the wiring to thethermistor (TH1) normal?Is there electrical continuity betweenJ207-1 and -2 on the fixing heaterside?Replace the fixing upper unit. Is theproblem corrected?Replace the composite power supplyPCB. Is the problem corrected?ActionCorrect the connectionof J102 on the DCcontroller PCB and thewiring to the ther-mistor (TH1).Check the wiring fromthe composite powersupply PCB to thefixing heater; ifnormal, replace thefixing assembly upperunit.End.End.Replace the DCcontroller PCB.2 E001YES/NONOYESYESNOCauseThermistor(TH1)ThermistorCompositepowersupply PCBDC control-ler PCBStep123ChecksAre the connection of J102 on the DCcontroller PCB and the wiring to thethermistor (TH1) normal?Replace the fixing assembly upperunit. Is the problem corrected?Replace the composite power supplyPCB. Is the problem corrected?ActionCorrect the connectionof J102 on the DCcontroller PCB and thewiring to the ther-mistor (TH1).End.End.Replace the DCcontroller PCB.