CHAPTER 5 PICK-UP/FEEDING SYSTEMCOPYRIGHT © 1999 CANON INC. CANON NP6512/6612/7120/7130/7130F REV.0 AUG. 1999 PRINTED IN JAPAN (IMPRIME AU JAPON)5-2B. Controlling the Pickup Roller1. OutlineThe machine has two types of pickup rollers, i.e., cassette pickup roller, and multifeeder pickuproller, and each of these rollers are operated by the drive of the main motor switched by means of agear unit. (In other words, only one roller is driven at any one time.)2. Controlling the Cassette Pickup RollerThe cassette pickup roller is controlled by a spring clutch, control ring, pickup clutch solenoid(SL1), and cassette pickup solenoid (SL5).When the pickup clutch solenoid turns on, the claw moves away from the control ring, allow-ing the drive to move to the pickup gear assembly through the spring clutch. Then, when the cas-sette pickup solenoid turns on, the drive reaches the cassette pickup roller.When the cassette pickup roller starts to rotate, copy paper is picked up from the cassette and issent as far as the registration roller by way of the vertical path roller. The registration roller controlspaper so that its leading edge will match the leading edge of the image on the photosensitive drum.Figure 5-102M1SL5Copy paperCassette pickup rollersPickup clutchSL1ArmDC controller PCBCassette pickup solenoid drive signal (CPUSD*)Pickup clutchsolenoiddrive signal(PUSLD*)SpringPickup rollerPickup roller gearGearWhen SL5 turns on, the spring causesthe pickup roller to rotate slightly,causing the gear and the pickup rollergear to engage.