CHAPTER 11 TROUBLESHOOTINGCOPYRIGHT © 1999 CANON INC. CANON NP6512/6612/7120/7130/7130F REV.0 AUG. 1999 PRINTED IN JAPAN (IMPRIME AU JAPON) 11-6114 The copy has a fixing fault.YES/NONOYESNOYESCauseCopy paperFixing filmFixing heaterDC control-ler PCB,Compositepowersupply PCBStep123ChecksIs the copy paper of a recommendedtype?Is the problem vertical and, in addi-tion, in the form of lines?Does the heater turn on when the CopyStart key is pressed?ActionTry a recommendedtype. If the results aregood, ask the user touse a recommendedtype.Check the fixing filmand the fixing lowerroller for scratches. Ifthere are scratches,replace them.See "The fixing heaterfails to turn on."The control tempera-ture of the fixingheater is likely to betoo low. Check thefixing assembly topunit, DC controllerPCB, and compositepower supply PCB.