CHAPTER 5 PICK-UP/FEEDING SYSTEMCOPYRIGHT © 1999 CANON INC. CANON NP6512/6612/7120/7130/7130F REV.0 AUG. 1999 PRINTED IN JAPAN (IMPRIME AU JAPON) 5-1Table 5-101NotationPS3PS4Q751NameDelivery sensorVertical path roller paper sensorPre-registration roller paper sensorRemarksI. PICKUP/FEEDING SYSTEMA. OutlineThe machine moves paper using a center reference method, in which paper is moved in themiddle of the pickup/feeding path, and is equipped with a cassette, and multifeeder as the source ofpaper.From the cassette, or multifeeder, copy paper is picked up and is controlled by the registrationroller so that its leading edge will match the leading edge of the image on the photosensitive drum;it is then moved through the transfer, separation, feeding, and fixing assemblies to reach the copytray.The machine is equipped with three sensors used to monitor the movement of copy paper.Figure 5-101Multifeederpickup rollerCassettepickup rollerVerticalpath rollerQ751 PS4StaticeliminatorPhotosensitivedrumHolding plateCassetteCopy tray Fixing assemblyDelivery rollerPS3DC controller PCBRegistration rollerDelivery paper detectionsignal(DPD)Pre-registration roller paperdetection signal(RPD)Vertical path roller paperdetection signal(PDP)