CHAPTER 11 TROUBLESHOOTINGCOPYRIGHT © 1999 CANON INC. CANON NP6512/6612/7120/7130/7130F REV.0 AUG. 1999 PRINTED IN JAPAN (IMPRIME AU JAPON) 11-5910 The copy has white spots. (vertical)11 The copy has white lines. (vertical)YES/NOYESYESYESYESNOCauseFixingassemblyTonercartridgeStatic elimi-natorTransferchargingrollerDrum unitStep1234ChecksTurn off the power in the middle of acopying run, and open the machine'stop unit. Does the copy image beforemoving through the fixing assemblyhave white spots or white lines?Turn off then on the machine. Is theproblem corrected?Clean the static eliminator. Is theproblem corrected?Is there foreign matter or scratches inthe transfer charging roller assembly?ActionCheck the fixingassembly.Advise the user thatthe toner cartridge isrunning out of thetoner.End.Remove the foreignmatter, or replace thetransfer chargingroller.Replace the drum unit.7 The copy is foggy vertically.8 The copy has black lines. (vertical, fuzzy, thick)9 The copy has black lines. (vertical, fine)YES/NOYESYESYESNOCauseScannerTransferguide assem-blyDrum unitStep123ChecksClean the scanning lamp, reflectingplate, lens, and mirror. Is the problemcorrected?Clean the transfer guide assembly. Isthe problem corrected?Take out and then set the drum unitonce again. Is the problem corrected?ActionEnd.End.End.Replace the drum unit.