Sending Documents 3-93Basic OperationsSending DocumentsThis section explains how to dial a number for faxing.Using Regular DialingWhen you come to a step that requires dialing a number, you can dial the number with the keyson the numeric keypad, just like you would when dialing a telephone number. This is called“regular dialing”.NOTE• To make dialing easier, register frequently used numbers to the one-touch speed dialing keys orcoded speed dialing codes. (See “Using Speed Dialing”, on p. 3-21.)1 Place your documents on the machine.For instructions explaining how to place your documents, see “Setting theDocument on the Machine”, on p. 2-2.NOTE• You can adjust the resolution, contrast, and document type for scanning. (See “Adjustingthe Scan Settings”, on p. 2-4.)• You can also specify a sender’s name with [TTI Selector]. (See Chapter 3, “SendingDocuments”, in the Facsimile Guide.)2 Dial the telephone number using the numeric keys.NOTE• When entering a number using regular dialing, if you see that you have entered anincorrect digit, press [Delete] to delete the rightmost digit➞ enter the correct digit.• You can also use (Clear) to clear the entire telephone number➞ start entering thetelephone number again.• If you notice that you made a mistake while the machine is dialing the number, press(Stop) to return to the Standby mode➞ start again.DOCUMENT READY4175286390C