Chapter 5: Troubleshooting Troubleshooting proceduresPage 5-9Module has lost or does not gain syncTo troubleshoot a loss of sync, perform the following steps.Procedure 32 Troubleshooting loss of sync1 Access the Event Log tab in the Home page of the SM2 Check for messages with the following format:RcvFrmNum =ExpFrmNum =3 If these messages are present, check the Event Log tab of another SM that is registeredto the same AP for messages of the same type.4 If the Event Log of this second SM does not contain these messages, then the fault isisolated to the first SM.If the Event Log page of this second SM contains these messages, access the GPSStatus page of the AP.5 If the Satellites Tracked field in the GPS Status page of the AP indicates fewer than 4or the Pulse Status field does not indicate Generating Sync, check the GPS Status pageof another AP in the same AP cluster for these indicators. GPS signal acquisition mustnot take longer than 5 minutes from unit startup.6 If these indicators are present in the second AP, then:• Verify that the GPS antenna still has an unobstructed view of the entire horizon.• Visually inspect the cable and connections between the GPS antenna and theCMM4. If this cable is not shielded, replace the cable with shielded cable7 If these indicators are not present in the second AP, visually inspect the cable andconnections between the CMM4 and the AP antenna. If this cable is not shielded,replace the cable with shielded cable.