Chapter 1: Configuration Configuring quality of servicePage 1-238NoteCIR settings only apply to the Legacy scheduler. Starting in release 16.1 a new Proportionalscheduler can optionally be enabled via Configuration -> Quality of Service -> Schedulersetting. If Proportional Scheduler is set, CIR's are not used.CIR parameters may be configured in the following ways:• Web-based management GUI• SNMP• Authentication Server (RADIUS) - when an SM successfully registers and authenticates, CIRinformation is retrieved from the RADIUS server.Active CIR configuration can be verified via the AP’s Home > Session Status page.Bandwidth from the SM PerspectiveIn the SM, normal web browsing, e-mail, small file transfers and short streaming video are rarely ratelimited with practical bandwidth management (QoS) settings. When the SM processes large downloadssuch as software upgrades and long streaming video or a series of medium-size downloads, the bucketrapidly drains, the burst limit is reached, and some packets are delayed. The subscriber experience ismore affected in cases where the traffic is more latency sensitive.Interaction of Burst Allocation and Sustained Data Rate SettingsIf the Burst Allocation is set to 1200 kb and the Sustained Data Rate is set to 128 kbps, a data burst of1000 kb is transmitted at full speed because the Burst Allocation is set high enough. After the burst, thebucket experiences a significant refill at the Sustained Data Rate. This configuration uses the advantageof the settable Burst Allocation.If both the Burst Allocation and the Sustained Data Rate are set to 128 kb, a burst is limited to the BurstAllocation value. This configuration does not take advantage of the settable Burst Allocation.If the Burst Allocation is set to 128 kb and the Sustained Data Rate is set to 256 kbps, the actual rate isthe burst allocation (but in kbps). As above, this configuration does not take advantage of the settableBurst Allocation.SM PrioritizationNoteThis feature is not supported on PMP 450m.SM Prioritization provides a way to designate a subset of a PMP sector's SMs with a guaranteed portionof air interface resources - slots, which are handled first during scheduling. SMs by default areconfigured in the SM Prioritization Low Group, and can be configured for the SM Prioritization HighGroup if desired.The selection of which prioritization group each SM is configured in Configuration -> Quality ofService tab -> SM Prioritization Configuration on the SM GUI, as shown in Figure 36.