Chapter 3: Operation System statisticsPage 3-49Interpreting Sounding statistics for APIn the 450m AP GUI, sounding statistics can be found under Statistics > Sounding Statistics.Table 134 Sounding Statistics - 450m AP page attributesAttribute MeaningSubscriber This field displays the MAC address and Site Name of the SM/BHS. As each SMor BHS registers to the AP/BHM.LUID This field displays the LUID (logical unit ID) of the SM/BHS. As each SM or BHSregisters to the AP/BHM, the system assigns an LUID of 2 or a higher uniquenumber to the SM/BHS. If a SM/BHS loses registration with the AP/BHS andthen regains registration, the SM/BHS will retain the same LUID.Spatial Frequency This field displays the spatial frequency value of the LUID or SM. Values 0 to1023 are valid and value 2048 is considered as invalid.Azimuth This field displays the Azimuth range in degrees corresponding to the spatialfrequencies of the bin. The zero-degree azimuth is boresight.NoteSome SF ranges correspond to multiple azimuth ranges. This isbecause for some spatial frequencies the AP generates beams inmultiple azimuth directions. The SM can be physically located inany of the azimuth ranges.Downlink - SoundingStateDifferent types of Sounding states are:• UNKNOWN: SM has recently registered to the AP but not registered withthe channel manager yet.• NEW: SM has been registered with the channel manager and will soontransition to ASSESSING.• ASSESSING: AP will instruct SM to take the channel measurements. Channelestimates and spatial frequencies will be calculated.• TRACKING: Valid measurements resulted in good channel estimates andspatial frequency. This SM can now be used for MU-MIMO.