CALREC Putting Sound in the Picture 149AUTOFADERSAutofaders allow Summa faders to be opened and closed under the control of another system through theuse of GPIs.To control an assignable AutoFader, select the Access>Autofader page. and press the appropriate access button for thechannel whose Autofader is to be accessed. See Figure 1 below.FIGURE 1 - AUTOFADER SCREENThe AutoFader TFT screen gives a visual representation of the behaviour of the Autofaders position over time and providesinformation about which Autofader is in use and which GPI the Autofader is being triggered from.There are 9 individual Autofader controls provided and a global on screen switch to Bypass All Autofaders.AutoFader Controls• AUTOFADER ON - Enables the Autofader on this assign path. Note if the Autofader is shared across several pathsonly this path is affected by this switch.• REHEARSE - Press and Hold this button labelled ‘ Hold then release to rehearse AutoFader’ to trigger the Autofaderand release to release the Autofader. This button allows the user to walk through the action of the Autofader and adjustparameters if necessary.• FADE IN LEVEL - This is the level that the fader goes to when the GPI is triggered shown as an ‘IN’ line.• FADE OUT LEVEL - This is the level that the fader goes to when the GPI is released shown as an ‘OUT’ line.• FADE IN DELAY - This is the delay period before the fader starts to ramp up to the IN LEVEL.• FADE IN DURATION - This is the fader ramp up period.