METER DISPLAY LAYOUT WITH CUSTOMISATIONSumma upstand meters are now arranged and displayed in two halves. The lower half displays the meters for theaccess fader paths in a fixed layout each corresponding to the fader below. The upper half of each meter panel isarranged into 2 rows of 24 meter slots which are fully customisable.This allows for Mains, Groups, Auxs, Tracks, Console LS, PFL, AFL, APFL, Off Air Conference, Autominus andExternal Input metering to be mapped out. Summa 12+8, 24+8 and 36+8 have one, two and three meter panelsrespectively. Figure 1 shows the empty layout for the first 12 faders.FIGURE 1 - METER LAYOUT FOR FADERS 1-12Customising Meter LayoutsFigure 2. shows the meter layout screen for the first 12 fader panel and part of the second. The lower section showsthe usage of the 2 rows of 24 meter slots shown here empty. The upper section is used to create the meter fromsource and options required which varies depending on the type. The minimum slot usage is 1 slot for Auxs, Tracks,Off-air & Mix minus sources or 2 slots for Mains, Groups, Console LS, AFL, PFL, APFL, User Meters and ExternalInputs. Depending on the options selected for that source this can expand the custom meter up to 10 slots. Theprimary option available for all meters is to provide full height meters which doubles the slot usage vertically. Therest of the options vary in the number of meter slots used depending on meter source type.FIGURE 2 - METER LAYOUT SCREEN EMPTY114 SUMMA Networked Audio Production System METERING