#9 Viper_SC_Manual_001-5008-000_Rev12e.docx | Page 57Multicast ForwardingThis parameter controls the forwarding of multicast packets between the LAN interface and the RF interface. The packetsforwarded from the LAN to the RF interface are identified by the "Multicast Address List" (all other multicast packets aredropped). The "Multicast White List" controls which multicast packets are forwarded from the RF interface to the LANinterface. When the "Multicast White List" is empty, all multicast packets received from the RF interface are forwarded tothe LAN interface; otherwise, only the multicast packets identified in the white list are forwarded to the LAN.Enabled - Forwarding of multicast packets is enabled (default).Disabled - Forwarding of multicast packets is disabled.Multicast to Broadcast (LAN to RF)When a multicast packet is forwarded from the LAN interface to the RF interface, the destination IP address can be changedto the broadcast IP address ( - Conversion of the destination IP address from multicast to broadcast is enabled.Disabled - Conversion of the destination IP address from multicast to broadcast is disabled (default).Multicast to Broadcast (RF to LAN)When a multicast packet is forwarded from the RF interface to the LAN interface, the destination IP address can be changedto the broadcast IP address ( - Conversion of the destination IP address from multicast to broadcast is enabled.Disabled - Conversion of the destination IP address from multicast to broadcast is disabled (default). MULTICAST ADDRESS LISTAll packets received from the LAN interface with a multicast destination IP address matching one of the multicast addressidentified in this list will be forwarded from the LAN interface to the RF interface. MULTICAST WHITE LISTAll packets received from the RF interface with a multicast destination IP address matching one of the multicast addressidentified in this list will be forwarded from the RF interface to the LAN interface. If this list is empty, any packet receivedfrom the RF interface with a multicast destination IP address will be passed over the LAN. If this list is non-empty, anypacket received from the RF interface with a multicast destination IP address that does not match an entry in this list will bedropped.4.4.4 IP OPTIMIZATION