#9 Viper_SC_Manual_001-5008-000_Rev12e.docx | Page 14Figure 7 – Bridge Mode Example 22.2.2 ROUTER MODERouter mode allows greater network configuration flexibility, allows the use of a variety of protocols, and also adds RFdiagnostics capability to Viper networks. Diagnostics can be retrieved through the Ethernet port of the Viper. For moreinformation on Viper RF Diagnostics, refer to Section 4.1.2Router mode requires the setup of Ethernet IP and Serial IP addresses and is recommended only for users who haveIT/Network support readily available to them and/or the authorization required to make changes in to the network.In Router mode, each Viper uses two IP addresses:The Ethernet IP AddressThe RF IP AddressEvery Viper is factory configured with a default Ethernet IP Address and a unique RF IP address. This RF IPaddress will have the form 10.x.y.z where x, y, and z is based on the last 6 digits of the unit’s Ethernet MAC address. Thedefault network is Router mode, each Viper must have its Ethernet IP Address on a unique network and all Vipers must have their RF IPaddresses on the same network. For consistent and reliable communication, the RF network addresses should not overlapor contain any of the IP Addresses in the Ethernet network.Router Mode Example 1In this example, each Viper has an Ethernet IP address on a unique network. For Vipers #1, #2, and #3, each networkconnected to their local Ethernet ports has 254 valid IP addresses that may be assigned to other hosts. The networkconnected to Viper #4’s local Ethernet port has 65534 valid IP addresses.Note 1: All Vipers’ RF IP addresses are on the same network. Because they are using the network, all Vipers mayuse the default RF IP address programmed by the factory.