Viper SC+™ IP Router for Licensed Spectrum PN 001-5008-000 Rev. C | Page 189Figure 98 – Message Configuration » Configuration and » Communication tabs in PLC setup utilityOverriding the Default Inactivity Timeout —Not Recommended Unless RequiredOverriding the default inactivity timeout for the TCP connection in the Message Configuration is not recommendedunless it is required. But here are instructions how it would be done if required.It is possible to override the Message Configuration default inactivity timeout by adding to the path, for example,LocalENB,2,192.1.9:inactivity-100,1,0. Using inactivity-100 would set the inactivity timeout to 100 seconds instead ofthe default 120 seconds. (Note: Setting of inactivity-x, where x can be between 1 and 120 seconds. Using x > 120seconds will disable the message completely.)Figure 99 – Setting Example Using Custom Inactivity Timeout (100 seconds)Overriding the default inactivity timeout is normally not required and can cause additional undesired side-effects. Oneof these side-effects would be when the inactivity timeout is less than the longest delay between two messages;additional IP messages are sent for each close and reopen of the TCP connection. This adds a lot of on-air traffic andnegatively impacts the system performance.Note: When using different inactivity timeout values for messages with the same TCP connection:When different messages for the same remote share the same TCP connection, each different message’s inactivitytimeout would restart the timeout timer. Message example: msg1 inactivity-60, msg2 inactivity-100,msg3 inactivity-30. These messages are then sent as follows: msg1 is sent, msg2 is sent, msg3 and then a wait is done.Since the last message was msg3 with inactivity timeout of 30 seconds, the TCP connection would close after 30seconds of msg3.