326 VEHICLE CAREis located on the passenger side,in the rear of the enginecompartment.3. Get the vehicles close enough sothe jump leads can reach, but besure the vehicles are nottouching each other. If they are,it could cause an unwantedground connection. You wouldnot be able to start your vehicle,and the bad grounding coulddamage the electrical systems.To avoid the possibility of thevehicles rolling, apply theparking brake firmly on bothvehicles involved in the jumpstart procedure. Put theautomatic transmission inP (Park) or a manual gearbox inNeutral before setting theparking brake. For vehicles withfour-wheel-drive with aN (Neutral) transfer caseposition, be sure the transfercase is in a drive gear — notN (Neutral).CautionIf any accessories are left on orplugged in during the jump startingprocedure, they could be damaged.The repairs would not be coveredby the vehicle warranty. Wheneverpossible, turn off or unplug allaccessories on either vehicle whenjump starting.4. Turn off the ignition on bothvehicles. Unplug unnecessaryaccessories plugged into theaccessory power outlets. Turn offthe radio and all the lamps thatare not needed. This will avoidsparks and help save bothbatteries. And it could save theradio!5. Open the hood on the othervehicle and locate the positive (+)and negative (-) terminallocations on that vehicle.The positive (+) terminal is undera red plastic cover at the positivebattery post. To uncover thepositive (+) terminal, open thered plastic cover.For more information on thelocation of the remotepositive (+) and remote negative(−) terminals, see EngineCompartment Overview 0 269.{ WarningAn electric fan can start up evenwhen the engine is not running andcan injure you. Keep hands,clothing, and tools away from anyunderbonnet electric fan.{ WarningUsing a match near a battery cancause battery gas to explode. Peoplehave been hurt doing this, andsome have been blinded. Use atorch if you need more light.(Continued)